TV is very boring now

The Today Inside program may still return to the tube, including Johan Derksen. Sources around the talk show report this to the always well-informed media editors of the AD.

© SBS 6

Last Thursday, Johan Derksen was forced to immediately stop the Today Inside program, because John de Mol and the rest of the Talpa top no longer supported him after the candle story. In the meantime, the prevailing opinion about the VI trio is turning again; people think maybe there is something overreacted.

VI on TV again?

The AD now reports that it is working on a return of Today Inside on television. “Today Inside may return to television. Behind the scenes it is examined whether and in what form the program can make a new start. With Johan Derksen (73)”, according to the newspaper

Further details are not yet available, according to the newspaper. “In what form and when that will happen, if any, remains to be seen.”

Very boring

TV expert Bert van der Veer says to welcome a possible return of the program. “As a television viewer, my life has become a lot duller since last Friday. And not just mine, when I hear that around me.”

He continues: “The program was not formatted that way. It had hectic, tension, sensation, the unexpected. Look, the men cost a little, but the program is worth more than many millions.”

Dom cynical

Qmusic DJ Domien Verschuuren reacts cynically to the news about VI’s possible return. “Fingers who didn’t see this coming,” he writes.

AD media journalist Marcus den Blanken: “That won’t be a lot of fingers.”


Remarkably, Today Inside’s socials are still being updated, as is the program’s site. A spokesperson for Talpa Network says know that this is done ‘for the fans’ of the program.

“It is not yet clear whether the program will stop on TV altogether, or whether it will return at a later date or in a different form. Talpa Network does not want to comment on that,” according to the news site.
