‘TV channels are concerned about Gazprom Champions League commercials’ | Football

That Russian gas company is one of the largest sponsors of the highest European club competition, but channels are unsure whether they should show advertisements to viewers because of the tensions around Russia and Ukraine. News agency reports that Bloomberg based on anonymous sources.

According to those insiders, the European football association UEFA, which organizes the Champions League, could provide clarity on Wednesday. Including channel group BT Sportwhich broadcasts the Champions League in the United Kingdom, has said it is “concerned” about the possible reaction of viewers to Gazprom’s commercials.

Tensions between Ukraine and Russia are rising

Ajax will play the first leg in the eighth finals of the tournament at Benfica on Wednesday at 9 p.m. Atletico Madrid take on Manchester United at home.

Tensions between Ukraine and Russia have run high. Moscow on Monday recognized the independence of the renegade pro-Russian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine fears a Russian invasion.
