TV career Wendy van Dijk declared dead in Telegraaf

That means whining on her yoga mat all day: Wendy van Dijk’s TV career was declared dead last night at 8:30 PM on the De Telegraaf website. “Her time is over.”

© SBS 6

Wendy van Dijk once belonged to the select group of A-stars on Dutch television, but when she left RTL 4 and left The Voice of Holland behind, her status quickly evaporated. Why on earth did she switch to SBS 6? Her boss or lover Erland Galjaard also moved and it is always useful to be in bed with the management.

Stay of execution

Now that Erland has stopped working on television for a while, the nepotistic house of cards is collapsing for Wendy. It has been in the for some time now downward facing dogpose on the spare couch of SBS 6. “Where has Wendy van Dijk gone?”, ratings psychic Tina Nijkamp wonders in her column in The Telegraphwhich was published last night.

Wendy also appears to have no role in the broadcast schedule in December. According to Tina, she is a bit like Gordon, who raked in an incredible amount of money in the final phase of his contract, but actually did virtually nothing. While his contract still runs for another month, Wendy has a stay of execution until the middle of next year.

“Is her time over?”

Tina fears the worst for Wendy. She thinks her career is somewhat over. “Is the time over for these big TV stars of yesteryear and the associated multi-million dollar contracts?”

Tina means this rhetorically. “Now that Erland has left that company, Wendy’s role also seems to have been played out a bit at Talpa.”

It is a combination of a number of things, Tina continues. The enormous success of Today Inside also plays a role. She points out that this means there is less room for other shows anyway.

‘She’s a bit out’

VI fills half of prime time on all working days. Tina: “Add to this the fact that the programs that Wendy presented at SBS 6 almost all flopped, except Wie van de Drie. The conclusion is that the channel does not want to make much room for Wendy.”

It seems like a broader movement, Tina concludes. “Traditional TV stars just seem a bit off.”
