TV action for Ukraine attracts fewer viewers than Farmer Wants Woman

The TV action for Ukraine attracted a lot of attention last night, but was not nearly as big a ratings hit as Farmer Wants Woman the night before. And that while all the well-known Netherlands was drummed up.


Yesterday, the Dutch celebrities went out en masse to collect money for the victims of Putin’s war during the TV evening ‘Together in action for Ukraine’. At the end of the evening it became clear that more than 106 million euros had been raised throughout the day. A nice result and the viewing figures are also very good.

Most viewers via NPO 1

The TV promotion for Ukraine attracted no less than 2.2 million viewers across three channels. The lion’s share looked via NPO 1, namely almost 1.5 million people (31%). RTL 4 follows with 485 thousand viewers (10%) and SBS 6 only attracted 273 thousand viewers (6%). Farmer Searches Woman attracted more than 3 million viewers the night before.

The most watched alternatives to the Ukraine action were Hunted Into The Wild with 667 thousand viewers (13%) on NPO 3, Nieuwsuur with 604 thousand viewers (12%) on NPO 2 and Big Brother with 357 thousand viewers (7%) on RTL 5.

Chantal and Wendy

The central presentation of the TV campaign for Ukraine was in the hands of Chantal Janzen. The discussions at the table were conducted by Eva Jinek and Jeroen Pauw. It turned out that a role had also been devised for Wendy van Dijk. The organization would have preferred to have her at the Polish-Ukrainian border, but that did not happen.

Action chairman Kees Zevenbergen is happy with the 106 million euros that was raised during the action day on radio and TV. “From 6 a.m., the call panel telephone has stopped working. It shows that this humanitarian crisis affects everyone. This is also apparent from the many emotional stories of the people who called.”

Viewing figures

Programs that did not reach the top fifteen ratings include Hart van Nederland (452 ​​thousand), First Dates (435 thousand), Shownieuws (388 thousand) and HLF8 (228 thousand).

The viewing figures of Monday, March 7, 2022 (SKO

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 2.330.00001. NPO1 / 30.0%
02. Half past seven news (RTL4) 1,623,00002. RTL4 / 15.9%
03. Together in Action for Ukraine (NPO1) 1.474.00003. NPO2 / 8.1%
04. News 6:00 PM (NPO1) 1,387,00004. SBS6/7.3%
05. EenVandaag (NPO1) 1.322.00005. NPO3 / 7.3%
06. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 1,147,00006. RTL5 / 3.9%
07. Good times bad times (RTL4) 890.00007.NET5/3.7%
08. Op1 (NPO1) 890,00008. Vero / 3.6%
09. Edition NL (RTL4) 749.00009. RTL7 / 2.2%
10. Inside Out (NPO2) 715,00010. RTL8 / 1.9%
11. Hunted into the wild (NPO3) 667,00011. BBC / 2.0%
12. M (NPO1) 656,00012. TLC / 1.6%
13. Time for MAX (NPO1) 630,00013. Discov / 1.5%
14. With the knife on the table (NPO2) 608,00014. SBS9 / 0.7%
15. News Hour (NPO2) 604,00015.ESPN / 0.6%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 45.5%
02. RTL Netherlands 24.6%
03. Talpa TV 15.3%
