TV-3 initiates brain decontamination

He submitted the other day Joel Diaz in his program ‘Zona Franca’ (TV-3) to an interesting brain intervention. He called a reputable neural cleansing specialist, and told him: «Doctor, my brain has been seriously affected by everything from the ‘procés’. I need you to erase all the memories that I have embedded from 2017 until today ».

And the doctor proceeded to plug a device into his head, and began to remove the toxins that he had stored there since the time of the disastrous days of disconnection on September 6 and 7, 2017, which left Parliament split in two halves. oh! It has been an extraordinary brain regeneration session. he expelled joel toxic memories through the mouth, in sound format, and expelled them shouting: “The streets will always be ours! We already have state structures! Europe is looking at us! We have it at our fingertips!” And from what we could see after the detoxification, the presenter of ‘Zona Franca’ was frankly relieved.

Man, the intervention you have undergone Joel Diaz I found it excellent and essential. And what’s more, a colossal metaphor has come out – perhaps unintentionally. It is comforting that those same intoxications that TV-3 has been promoting for at least the last five years, contaminating the brain of its devoted audience, promoting ‘fake’ stories and drawing stories as if they were true stories, is comforting, I told them , that this same TV-3 now hire specialized services in brain decontamination so that they proceed to clean up everything toxic that the channel itself has inculcated.

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It is slow and delicate work, yes. Own Diaz it still carries embedded remains of intolerance. A week ago she began to interpret the Spanish anthem por retambufa. In other words, a sonorous mockery based on farts and farts. I particularly don’t give a damn about hymns. Or the flags. Or the sticks that hold them. But I never despise those who feel a sentimental vibration for them. Something similar happens to me with religion: I don’t agree with any of them, but I respect them all.

In the same way that every state should be non-denominational, all public television should be stateless. Being stateless is respecting all homelands equally. And to its inhabitants.
