Tuukka Ritokoski received criticism for his behavior in the Amazing Race – The presenter responds to the feedback

Tuukka Ritokoski’s words in the Amazing Race episode have not pleased some viewers.

Radio host Tuukka Ritokoski30, was heard on the Aamulypsy broadcast The Amazing Race -feedback from viewers about their behavior in the previous episode.

Ritokoski’s host colleague Juuso Mäkilähde read aloud the feedback criticizing the man’s behavior towards his competition partner, The same-his father, I meet in the escape room mission in the snake enclosure.

– You did a great job with the escape room task, but you don’t talk to your father like “I have eyes in my head”. Your father’s expression to the camera said everything, the message read according to Mäkilähte.

The feedback giver did not like the way Tuukka Ritokoski spoke to his Sami father. Pete Anikari

Ritokoski responded to the feedback by justifying his actions. The presenter said that he tried to focus on the solution of the task, when his father constantly commented on the man’s actions.

– The first thing that comes out of his mouth is: “You passed the boxes”. I replied that “I saw those boxes, I’ll start from here”. Next he says: “Look over there”. I said “here are these boxes”, the presenter recounted the events.

– I looked at the box where zero is five and turned around. Then he said: “there was that viton”. I had just looked at it for five seconds, but now I see that there is a viton. He’s just trying to mix it up – whose team is he actually playing for? I’m there to run errands, don’t try to mess with my head, he continued.

Ritokoski sent his greetings to the feedback giver.

– Now the feedback giver can also try going on a trip with his father and think about whether it is always perfect, he stated.

Amazing Race Finland on Nelose and Ruudu on Saturdays. See all program information and approximate times at Telku.
