Turner Jermain Grünberg to the Olympic Games after a lot of setbacks

Jermain Grünberg has had many setbacks in his career. The 23-year-old from Tilburg recovered and said he started better than ever at the World Gymnastics Championships in Antwerp last weekend. The Dutch team secured a ticket for the Olympic Games on Sunday with an eleventh place finish. “That was my ultimate goal, even when I was young.”

Written by

Leon Voskamp

We should actually write the word bad luck with a capital letter. Jermain has not always had luck on his side over the years. “To name a few examples: at the World Cup I fell a few times, I broke my ankle, at the European Championships my finger dislocated and I was once forced to be selected for the European Championships even though I was not completely fit. As a top athlete, I have fallen into all the pitfalls there are.”

“Training with more pleasure than ever before.”

What do you do after yet another injury and associated disappointing performance? “I have taken the time to become the best version of myself. Once I was injury free, I enjoyed training more than I ever have. Fun is the basis of everything. So I made the choice to train a lot myself and not always with the national team. I know from experience how to reach my highest level.”

Mentally, he received support from various people. “That certainly helped me, but I also did a lot myself. After every injury I recovered and ultimately those unpleasant moments made me stronger. I have always continued to believe in my goals.”

“The Games are the most important.”

At the World Championships in Antwerp, a place among the top twelve was sufficient for an Olympic ticket. With eleventh place, the Dutch men can now prepare for Paris 2024. TeamNL was last in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. “Being at the World Cup is nice, but going to the Games is the most important thing.”
