Turkse commissioner buigt zich Thursday over NAVO-toetreding Zweden | Buitenland

The Buitenlandse Zakencommissie van the Turkse parliament buigt zich Thursday over the world of Zweden may talk to the NAVO. As the commissioner of the commission, he still has to take over the full parliament.

The Turkse President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken the two toes to the last three weeks. Turkije was in the first instance of the war, with the two people not wanting to speak out against other militant groups who were labeling Turkije as terrorist. Thanks to this, Erdogan wants to take a look at the two words.

Two years ago in Finland the NAVO-lidmaatschap aan om de Russian invasion in Oekraïne. The Finse toetreding will be delivered in April to all NAVO lands. Before speaking, unanimity is necessary. Also, Hongarije wants the two dogs to be heard again.

KIJK. Erdogan was afgelopen zomer nog dwars voor de NAVO-toetreding van Zweden
