Turks parliament stands deze week over toetreding Zweden dead NAVO | Buitenland

The Turks parliament took over the Zweedse to speak to the NAVO this week. This is a Turkse media report. Het Franse persagentschap AFP vernam van a parliamentaire bron dat de ratificatie donderdag zou kunnen plaatsvinden.

KIJK. NAVO-topman: “Geen vanzelfsprekendheid dat he vrede is”

The private new CNN Turk schoof eerder op maandag dinsdag after voren as datum voor de stemming, terwijl NTV gewag maakt van deze week zonder aen precise datum te geven.

Ankara has the western bond recorded in the sea in a year when the text is over the ratification of the two toetredingsprotocolen.


As the Turks parliament has thrown great light on the Zweedse NAVO-lidmaatschap, all Hongarije is seen as an obstacle on the way from Stockholm to the defensive alliance.

Turkije and Hongarije zijn de laatste NAVO-leden die de toetreding van Zweden tot het bondgenootschap nog moeten goedkeuren. Ankara has been around for a long time in Stockholm, where there is a lot of action in Zweden by militant groups that have labeled Turks as terrorist.

F-16 combat aircraft

When the two sides agree to the Turks’ president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in October 2023, the ratification of the Turks parliament will be allowed to take place, starting in December aan Turkije zouden leveren. The commission for the Buitenlande betrekkingen of the Turks parliament does not have the toetredingsprotocollen van Zweden tot de NAVO and December goed, now the full parliament is still going.

Two years ago in Finland, in May 2022, the NAVO-lidmaatschap aan after the suffering of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Finse toetreding was delivered in April last year to all NAVO lands. Before speaking, unanimity is necessary.

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