Turkije ratificeert Zweedse toetreding tot NAVO | Buitenland

The official Turkse ratificatie was still a formality in the parliament on Tuesday with 287 stemmen tegen 55 the light on the big time for the Zweedse lidmaatschap. Volgens de toelatingsregels moet Turkije alleen nor the Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken op de hoogte brengen van zijn beslissing.

KIJK. The Turks parliament is in the same day as the Zweedse NAVO-lidmaatschap

Hongarije is now the only NAVO country that is not yet ingested with the Zweedse toetreding. The Hong Kong Prime Minister Viktor Orban had a conversation with Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary-general of NAVO, who was told about the procedure. Orban zal he naar own zeggen in the parliament op aandrungen om zo snel mogelijk te stemmen. NAVO-leden must have a single dimension over the toetreding of new lidstats.

Two years in Finland had in my 2022 seeds a lidmaatschapsaanvraag ingediend as a reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Finland is in April 2023 with the alliance, the two countries have a long-lasting bleed from Turkey and Hong Kong. Turkije treaties de ratificatie vanwege de vermeende steun van Stockholm aan groepen which Ankara labeled as “terrorists”. The army was called for by the Verboden Koerdische Arbeiderspartij (PKK).
