Turin-Udinese, Juric: “Ilic isn’t here, I want a convincing performance”

The grenade coach talks about the match against Udinese: “Ilic won’t be there, Djidji is fine, Pellegri I’ll take him to the bench”

From our correspondent Mario Pagliara

February 4th
– Turin

Turin ready for the home match against Udinese. Ivan Juric fixes the coordinates: “I would like us to go back on our way – the grenade coach recounts in the conference on the eve -. I would be very happy if we repeated the performance in Florence which I really enjoyed in so many respects. This is my idea: I realize that this match has ranking value, but the ranking doesn’t obsess me so much. Instead, I want a convincing performance.” Ivan Ilic won’t be there tomorrow: “Out because he took a blow to his ankle in training”, announces Juric. Djidji and Pellegri are back: “Rado is out due to muscle fatigue, Djidji is fine. Pellegri did a training session with us: I’ll take him to the bench”.


Juric talks about the three new arrivals of the January transfer market. He starts from Ilic: “I wanted it badly, it could be the present and the future. I hope that, in its growth path, it can surpass Lukic: it is an important long-term investment”. Then he talks about Gravillon: “We took him because Zima has to be operated on (rupture of a lateral meniscus, ed), he will be out for at least three months. The characteristics are right, we have to put it into our way of playing. It can give us a fair alternative”. And then Ronaldo Vieira: “In terms of characteristics, we lacked a slightly more muscular player, he balanced the squad a bit”. He also comments on Lukic’s farewell: “It’s a penalizing farewell for the team, but the transfer is fair and legitimate on the part of the club”.


Juric continues: “We have a team that I really like, with all the problems that can arise. We can face this period with ambition, with will, I don’t really set myself goals: we can grow as a team and individually”. After leaving the Coppa Italia, “for the first time since I’ve been here – says the coach -, we were sad in the dressing room. It was our little dream, but the day after I saw a great desire to continue, to get back on our path to do our best in the second part of the championship”. The latest is on Vlasic who was particularly tired in the period: “I squeezed it, I take the blame – says Juric -. I let the others rest, never him. My feeling is that now he’s tired: now we have this match, we’ll play on Friday and then we’ll have ten days in which we’ll try to get him off his tiredness”.
