Turin-Naples 0-4, Juric: “Too many mistakes, but it’s also thanks to the opponents”

At the end of the match between Turin and Naples, valid for the 27th day of Serie A, the grenade coach Ivan Juric spoke to the microphones of DAZN. Here are his statements: “The team also did a lot of excellent things, it’s a pity they weren’t able to materialize, especially on a 1-0 draw. They punish you and they go strong, but it’s a match that we can use a lot for the future to see what kind of players they are and what accelerations they have and understand where to grow. Ours too did well at times, but we made too many mistakes even if it must be recognized that there is also a lot of credit to them”.

What would you steal from this Napoli? “The choice of players is fundamental, they have a great coach who has clear ideas of what he has to do. Live I’ve seen impressive accelerations and impressive physical strength, combined with technique with a coach who makes them play well.”

Is this Naples to be studied? “Everything must be combined. Players who can withstand the physical impact but also technically strong and then a coach who takes advantage of what there is to take advantage of. We gave away a corner kick but we played 15 important minutes and took the post, done two or three chances to score. It’s normal that if that goes badly for you, the match becomes difficult. We also like watching football, seeing what is on offer and certainly from Naples there is something to learn and understand certain things.”

What do you think of the three up front, even if Sanabria didn’t score, he played well. “It always depends on who you play against, if you play against Kim it’s like this and right now he’s one of the best defenders in the world so you only touch a few balls. When you’re against more affordable defenders you play better. He got the post today but we’re happy with what he’s doing and it’s becoming more and more dangerous. In matches with this intensity everything becomes more difficult.”
