Turin-Milan: when Van Basten transformed Bruno into O ‘Animali

Thirty years ago Torino-Milan: the Dutchman’s ballet after an own goal unleashed the fatal wrath of the defender

And so it was that Pasquale Bruno was transformed into O ‘Animali. And it was the apocalypse. And like an asteroid pointing at insane speed towards the Earth, O ‘Animali began to chase anyone around the field, with such anger as to make one fear – if not the extinction of mankind – at least that of the Dutch center forward he was looking for. to escape. It had happened that after the own goal that had just seen him as an involuntary protagonist – there had been a cross from the left by Paolo Maldini and he had badly deflected the ball by throwing it behind goalkeeper Luca Marchegiani – Bruno had stretched out on the ground , belly up. At that point Marco Van Basten had the crazy idea of ​​climbing on top of him and then spreading his legs and staging a ballet – or rather “a dirty and rude ballet” as Beppe Barletti called it in the Rai report – a sort of tap-dance that tasted like mockery, mockery, outrage. A full-blown scar that nearly cost him his life.
