Turin-Lecce 1-0, Paro: “Juric happy with the victory, good recovery”

At the end of Turin-Lecce, the assistant coach Matteo Paro he spoke to Sky and Dazn to comment on the outcome of the match, before also speaking to Torino Channel. Here are the statements of him.

I think the victory can be dedicated to Juric, who will suffer in not being able to be here …

I don’t know if he’s suffering more from pneumonia or the team (laughs, ed). We gave him a video call and he was happy. We are sorry for him, he is being treated, we hope he will be back as soon as possible. The boys played a good game, they were complicated games. In the first half we had a hard time moving the ball quickly, they were very closed. We have a few too many technical errors. In the second half the team did better, we made better mistakes, managed the ball better and found good passing lines. “

Happy with the win. She is being treated, our hope is that she can come back soon “
