Turin-Juric, forward together. No surprises: at today’s summit you lay the foundations for the future

President Cairo, sporting director Vagnati and the Croatian coach made every move in a very positive atmosphere, with strong determination and unity of purpose

Urbano Cairo met with Juric and Vagnati to lay the foundations for next season, the third which will see the Croatian coach on the bench as per the agreements made at the time of signing a three-year contract. Juric’s permanence in the granata has never been questioned either by the club or by the coach (“Here at Toro I feel good, we had an excellent season and we can improve further” his words after Inter). The summit this afternoon in Masio, on the Cairo family estate, meanwhile served to celebrate a season of growth for the team both in terms of points (+3 on last year) and quality in the game offered also thanks to the affirmation of young people such as Buongiorno, Ricci, Ilic, Schuurs and Singo himself, who has been the owner for some time but was still born in 2000 (December). After the positive examination of what happened in this past season in the archives, we then projected ourselves onto the next championship where all of Toro wants to continue growing. The president and his main technical collaborators have established every move in a very positive atmosphere, of strong determination and unity of purpose: both any reinforcements and the campaign relating to the ransoms have been planned in complete harmony. In short, it was a summit that gave new impetus to the grenade club.
