Turin, grenade party in Philadelphia in view of the derby with Juve

Joyful Sunday for del Toro, who is preparing for the derby against Juventus in his “home”, amidst the warmth of the fans

Mass of crowds for Toro who opens his temple to the fans obtaining a full of affection with lots of fireworks fired when the team makes its appearance on the Fila field. The players reciprocate by going all together under the grandstand crammed with thousands of fans: lots of mutual applause. Juric organizes a small match in midfield, the people like it. It rains goals, the usual anti-Juve chants start.


There are many families, for the children it is a warm Sunday despite the snowy weather. Training also reserves a welcome surprise, namely the presence of Samuele Ricci in the group who at this point should be considered capable of taking part in the match, perhaps while the match is in progress. It ends with ovations for the whole team and the siege of Juric, imprisoned under the staircase while he goes to take a shower: “One of us, the coach is one of us” the festive and meaningful farewell of the people of grenade. Ivan likes it and laughs.
