Turfrunners trot through Drenthe for Roparun: ‘You hear stories everywhere’

Team captain Martijn Schonewille has already driven ahead and ensures that everyone is ready for his Turfrunners. “We are participating for the tenth time this year. For the sporting challenge, but especially to collect money for cancer patients,” explains Schonewille.

In addition to the runners, the team includes a navigator, caretakers in case of physical discomfort and people who arrange the catering. Schonewille: “Many people in our team have their own personal experiences with cancer. During the Roparun you come across many of those stories. You hear them everywhere. Not only with the runners, but also along the side.”

One of those waiting in Dalen is mayor Renze Bergsma van Coevorden, who also happens to be ambassador of the Roparun. It is his honor to hand over the fat check with the collected money to a beaming Rinie Huitema. “A wonderful amount, 6,600 euros!” Bergsma shouts into the microphone, when the Turfrunners have entered the village and have gathered around him.

There is just not much time to celebrate. The running team still has quite a journey ahead of it. Another round and even through the mill, some kisses and hugs from relatives and the Turfrunners continue their journey. On to Rotterdam, where – if all goes well – they will cross the finish line on Monday morning.
