Turfrunners from Dalen in action during Roparun: ‘Feels good to do something’

The Turfrenners from Dalen are ready for the Roparun. A relay race of 565 kilometers, this time right through the Netherlands. The club from Dalen consists of eight runners, four cyclists and several crew members. “We are finally going to start, after a lot of preparation,” says captain Martijn Schonewille prior to the start today.

Normally, the start is in Paris or Hamburg, but due to the corona pandemic, it was decided this year to have the two hundred Dutch teams start at two points in their own country. This is because the rules for large groups are not the same in all countries. For the Turfrenners this means a start from Twente Airport. “We will go through the whole of the Northern Netherlands and finish in Rotterdam.” This is done in two teams, each covering fifty to sixty kilometers. “That way we turn it into a total relay race,” explains Schonewille.

The Roprun aims to raise money to make the lives of people with cancer more pleasant. “You are often so powerless. You can do something based on your own talents,” explains participant Wilma Geuzinge.

If everything goes according to plan, the Turfrenners will arrive on the Coolsingel in Rotterdam on Monday.
