Tuomas Seppänen won the Lahti GP in 2022

Tuomas Seppänen knocked out 73.64 men. In the second summer, comet Aaron Kangas reached 73.34.

Tuomas Seppänen won the Lahti GP hammer race. Jussi Saarinen

A factory worker from Nakkila’s Suominen nonwovens factory put a pot on Finland’s number one guns at the Lahti GP on Wednesday.

– It tastes pretty good. Everyone was a little nervous. The net throws went well, but then there was a squeeze, a result of 73.64 Tuomas Seppänen36, commented.

On the construction site, Seppänen pushes two morning shifts and two night shifts into the pipe until he gets six days off.

– Sometimes it’s quite stressful when there are jobs and then a hard thigh. The time has broken out, but it seems to have been successful.

Porilainen won his first Finnish Championship medal already in 2010. In the last decade, there were four adult European Championships and one World Championship gig. There are as many as 11, but not the brightest, medals in the prize cabinet for the Kaleva Games.

– There was a need to consider motivation after 2020, when Tokyo moved forward. I was wondering why I still play sports?

Well, why are you still playing sports?

– That’s why I want to challenge myself. I got to the starting point after the autumn of 2020: the hammer throw is nice, and I didn’t want to give it up, Seppänen answers.

Noormarkku’s dice record of 76.20 is from 2016. Last summer was at its best 75.02.

– During the training period, I was in pain for about a month, when I had two flu and Korona. But overall, I’m in better shape than last year. The punch results have gone ahead and the throws in the reins have been good. I even expect a record.

To another rise

Aaron Kangas, 24, is going to get his lease on a new rise. Jussi Saarinen

On Wednesday, Seppänen put the rest of the rest of Finland in the bunch in Lahti: Aaron Kangas, Henri Liipolan and Aleksi Jaakkolan.

– Basic performance. There was little left in the barrel as might be expected from the groin. The overweight ones are doing well, but the seven-pound instrument should still be made to fly, second to Kangas, who finished 73.34 in Lahti.

He knocked out a world-class result of 79.05 in the summer of 2020, but last season went into the booklet due in part to over-entrepreneurship. Or well, the summer of 2021 started nicely with a result of 76.85 and even the second race went to 74.46, but then the level plummeted. In June – September, the best throw was 73.71. The Olympic gig in Japan was a dream come true.

– In the summer of 2022, a flat level and a base level of 75 meters will be applied. Then for the rest of the season one should hit a harder throw.
