TUI increases flight capacity by increasing last minute bookings for spring break | Inland

After the spring break in 2021 fell into the water due to the then ban on non-essential travel, TUI has established that Belgians are once again looking to travel. “Belgians now also wait until the last moment to book a winter holiday. No less than half of the reservations last week were for a trip during the spring break, which starts in ten days,” explains spokesman Piet De Meyere.

TUI is already registering 7 percent more travelers than during the crocus of 2019. The catching-up movement of the past 4 weeks even exceeds the number of reservations in the same period of 2019 by 128 percent. Just under 60 percent of holidaymakers opt for a flying holiday to the sun during this spring break. Spain can convince 2 out of 3 travelers. For Egypt and Cape Verde you have to schedule a slightly longer flight time, but these sunny destinations are also picked up en masse and complete the top 3 of the most popular holiday countries. In 4th and 5th place are two Caribbean destinations: Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

The Belgian also goes on a winter sports holiday. One in 4 TUI holidaymakers goes skiing for a week. France is the most popular destination (mainly the Alps) and attracts half of the skiers. Austria and Switzerland follow in second and third place.

In terms of car holidays, the trends do not change much: Belgium remains the most important destination. The bookings of the past few weeks are mainly for the coast and less for the Ardennes. Our neighboring countries Germany, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg also remain popular.


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