Tudor: “Too bad, the match conditioned by the referee. Juric? He is one of the best coaches “

The Gialloblù coach: “We would have liked to win, there was also a bit of tiredness”

Igor Tudor speaks at the press conference after Verona-Turin, which ended with the 0-1 victory for the granata. These are the words of the Verona coach.

There was a good cheer today. We would have liked to end with a home win, there was a bit of tiredness. Little was played, there were many ‘messes’ and this affected the show. The match was lost a little by the referee, it slipped out of his hands. The players were very excited. I think he whistled a bit ‘all against us. It wasn’t easy, there were a lot of tensions on the pitch, but a lot of the nervousness is attributable to his handling.

The Turin behind did well. We played with three forwards, without one like Barak the dynamics change a bit. It was a tiring race, difficult to comment on from a tactical point of view. Our home races? There have been many beautiful victories, like the one with Roma at the first. There is little to cancel, defeats must be accepted, if they weren’t there we would have 80 points.

Frabotta has quality and is in the squad and today I wanted to give him the time to be able to give us a hand. Dawidowicz is back I’m happy for him, he’s an important player on the pitch and in the locker room. Juric? We haven’t talked to each other, we’ll talk to each other shortly. He is one of the best coaches, but one of the best “.
