TTK teacher Kia Lehmuskoski is getting married today! Such a wedding is coming

Dance teacher Kia Lehmuskoski will marry soccer player Kimi Lindeman today.

Even though dance teacher Kia Lehmuskoski has several tickling events in her life at the moment, she is still quietly calm.

Lehmuskoski will dance on Saturday, July 8, at her husband’s wedding Kimi Lindeman’s with. Talking about the wedding sensitizes Lehmuskoski.

– I might be a really stressful type sometimes, but now I haven’t been. I’ve thought that what I stress about getting the love of my life as my husband and celebrating with friends and loved ones, Lehmuskoski thinks.

This day has been waited for more than a year and a half. Lindeman proposed to Lehmuskoski during their joint vacation in the Canary Islands on the first day of January in 2022.

The color theme of Lehmuskoski and Lindeman’s wedding is silver and pink. The bride wanted a lot of flowers for her wedding and she got them too. PASI LEISMA

Just a week after the proposal, Lehmuskoski had already booked the church, the priest and the party venue.

Lehmuskoski is especially happy that at a wedding party of almost 150 people, he gets to enjoy the company of his loved ones and meet friends he doesn’t get to see in everyday life.

– There have been moments in my life where I’ve felt lonely when I’m on the road and I’m only focusing on my own career, and I haven’t seen my immediate family. We started organizing the wedding in January and I have often stopped at the thought of how many caring, wonderful and helpful loved ones are around us, Lehmuskoski opens.

Laughter and fun

Apart from a few mishaps, the party arrangements have gone well. In the spring, Lehmuskoski thought that he didn’t want to bother his family with constant e-mails and organizing tasks, but because of his busy schedule, he forgot to answer important messages.

– I have always been a person who finds it difficult to ask for help or bother anyone. It made things a bit difficult, but luckily we got through that too. I’m getting exactly the kind of wedding I’ve always dreamed of, Lehmuskoski rejoices.

The couple plans to take two honeymoons this year. The first trip will take place after the wedding in Europe and later this year they will go on a longer trip to more exotic landscapes. PASI LEISMA

The future married couple has also practiced a wedding waltz together, which is, however, very simple in its choreography. The wedding will include surprise numbers as well as lots of music and partying.

However, Lehmuskoski and Lindeman made one thing clear. They consume very little alcohol at their parties. The couple wants to enjoy each other’s company and their guests side by side and also remember all the wonderful things about the day throughout their lives.

– It’s important to both of us that people can do more at our parties than get drunk and drink. We want them to experience, laugh and have fun, Lehmuskoski describes his upcoming wedding.

Father hunted meat

Lehmuskoski says that the upcoming wedding will sensitize not only himself but also his father. In the weekly phone calls, one of them cries for one reason or another.

– My father has hunted meat and fished for our wedding. It has moved him. He has also practiced his speech to Kim’s father a lot, which also sensitizes him.

– I’ve thought that we’ll probably just cry while walking together towards the altar, because we’re both such crybabies! But these are only tears of joy and happiness, there is no sadness here, the bride-to-be continues.

Lehmuskoski and Lindeman wanted to respect traditions, which is why they spent the night before the wedding at different addresses. PASI LEISMA

Lehmuskoski is waiting for that feeling when she gets to call herself Lindeman’s wife. Since she was little, she has been playing wedding games and listening to the Sleeping Beauty march. For Lehmuskoski, the wedding reflects the fact that she is now a grown woman.

– Now this little girl, who has played those wedding games, can actually walk down the altar towards her husband. I am called “little” in the family because I am the youngest of the children. Getting married has given me the feeling that I am an adult, Lehmuskoski says happily.

Lehmuskoski, who dreamed of her own princess day, can walk to the altar in a special outfit. Lehmuskoski bought a ready-made dress from a wedding dress shop, but also sewed her prom dress Sarah Hedman adjusted the suit to look like its wearer.

– He also made a three-meter veil by hand. Everyone who has seen the dress and veil has loved it! Lehmuskoski is glowing.

With the wedding, Kia’s last name will be Lehmuskoski-Lindeman, but in public she will still be known as Kia Lehmuskoski.

Kia Lehmuskoski reveals that her wedding dress is exactly what she has always dreamed of. PASI LEISMA

A safe man

Although Lehmuskoski is completely sure that marrying Lindeman is the right and wonderful solution, the secret of the long union makes me think.

– Unfortunately, there have been many divorces and various crises around us over the years. Some have survived them and some have not. I have asked many people what is the secret to a long relationship? Lehmuskoski is thinking.

Lehmuskoski and Lindeman have realized that marriage requires effort from both of them.

– We are also aware that work only starts after marriage. It’s not that we just hang out together, but the union really requires work from both of us. Hopefully, if we ever have crises, we will know how to get through them together, he continues.

Lehmuskoski and Lindeman faced a crisis in their relationship in 2020, when Corona roared and work started to slow down.

– It was my personal place of growth. I’m thankful that Kimi is determined and determined, because if he hadn’t been, we definitely wouldn’t be getting married now. He didn’t let it discourage him or affect him. It is our strength to be persistent and not give up.

– I have also received advice that there should be both shared time and personal time. We have that way. We put in the calendar when we want to organize time together, but we also have our own friends and events.

Kia and Kim’s Mörkö dog also arrives at the church. – He is our own ring boy! PASI LEISMA

As a husband, Lindeman is everything that Lehmuskoski has always dreamed of. Lehmuskoski exudes how a relationship brings out the best in him and he can be present in the moment. Lehmuskoski herself describes that she “bloomed” with her reliable and loving husband.

– I may not have always been this calm, but many have said that I have calmed down with the relationship. I used to be quick-tempered, but Kimi has given me the feeling that I can be present and it’s easier for me to be with myself. Thanks to Kim, I have found inner peace.

– Kimi is safe and the best possible man for me, Lehmuskoski concludes with a gentle smile.

Kia has blossomed with her relationship. PASI LEISMA
