TSG 1899 Hoffenheim – Bicakcic: Trial course and fan plea in the stadium

Sinsheim (dpa) – Not in the squad, but with the warm-up: The long-term injured Ermin Bicakcic from TSG 1899 Hoffenheim was allowed to do the exercises with his colleagues on Saturday before the Bundesliga game against Bayer Leverkusen. According to the club, the 32-year-old defender should get a taste of the stadium atmosphere and gather motivation.

Bicakcic suffered a cruciate ligament rupture in September 2020 and has not played since after a few setbacks in rehabilitation. His contract expires on June 30, and his sporting future is currently unclear. The fans asked TSG on a banner to finally extend the contract with their favorite and referred to his “year-long fight for the club”. Bicakcic took a good look at the poster and patted his chest with the club crest on it.

Leverkusen will go into the game without former Hoffenheim player Kerem Demirbay (capsule injury in the toe). Coach Gerardo Seoane has to do without a total of six long-term injuries and trusted the same team as in the 2-0 win in Frankfurt.
