Try Try Sa Sa is streaming: the cast. Will it be the new LOL?

L‘effect LOL he pushed Prime Video to focus on comedy. We think of the various comedy shows offered by the platform, to the series I’m Lillo (in the wake of the success of Posaman) which we will see in January, at the Christmas edition of the same LOL. A titled cousin or godson is added Try Try Sa Saled by Frank Matano (former conductor of LOL with Fedez), now available on the platform Amazon.

“The mechanism is different – the landlord emphasizes – here everything is about improvisationin LOL there is this aspect, but it is not the driving force of the program: 10 comedians do not know which colleagues they will find in front of them, they must be able not to laugh and before entering the program they prepare characters and sketches. Posaman was not born from improvisation. In Try Try Sa Sa the comedians have no idea what’s going to happen. It is profoundly different from LOL: we hope it has the same power ». Meanwhile, we anticipate that it will make you split in two with laughter.

Try Try Sa Sa: how does it work

The program, produced by Endemol Shine Italy, is a comedy show focused on improvisation and entertainment with Frank Matano to the conduction and a fixed cast formed by Maccio Capatonda, Maria Di Biase, Edoardo Ferrario and Aurora Leone. They are available on Prime Video four episodes, each episode will see the four protagonists perform in a series of sketches and challenges improvised by the conductor or the studio audience.

Guy: improvise polite stadium choirsthings you don’t expect to hear when you put a shell to your ear, sing rhyming to a 90s melodic base, or talk just asking questions. There is to cry with laughter. Some of these sketches are individual, others involve two or more comedians. In addition, each episode provides a guest star that breaks into the program and gets involved. Among the names of this edition (because we hope that there is at least another one) there are Francesco Mandelli, Corrado Nuzzo, Valeria Angione And Quick Money.

Frank Matano between Italia's Got Talent, a gorilla and a TV series

Where does the comedy show hosted by Frank Matano come from

The show is based on the American format Whose Line Is It Anyway ?, that Matano he loved it when he went to the United States to visit his grandparents. “She had captured Me, I think it is one of the reasons why I chose to do this job – says the referee of the game – I was excited to see people improvise. At the age of 18, I had also translated the entire format and, making the program, I went to reread my notes. I had not yet thought of proposing it to the various networks because I was waiting for the right momentand before I had to work a lot on self-esteem: I did not feel entitled to be the host / referee of a comedy program ».

The cast of “Prova Prova Sa Sa”. (Prime Video)

Comedians like a jazz band

“We chose four of them out of esteem and because they have one different comedybut they share the same frequency – he says Matano – It’s like hearing a jazz group that agrees“. It is precisely the different style that makes them magical sketches. The competitors seem to talk to each other, but they don’t, they communicate through the unspoken and the gaze to do happen the jab, the unexpected, the laugh. “It was essential to get to know each other, listen to each other and understand how we interacted,” he comments Aurora Leone.

“You had to listen to those around you – Di Biase shares – The best thing about the program is the group of four comedians who play together without wanting to excel. “Everyone draws from their own comic imagery and their own experience – he adds Capatonda – but what anxiety “.

Frank Matano. (Prime Video)

Try Try Sa Sa: “What laughter, but what anxiety”

Well yes, on the one hand there are laughter, on the other performance anxiety. “It’s as if they jumped out of a helicopter without knowing if they have pots or parachutes in their rucksacks,” says Matano, who has sometimes thrown himself into the middle of the quartet. “Now I’m in analysis because it’s like being perpetually uncomfortable “admits Maria Di Biase. “It was a total anguish – adds Capatonda – usually I have total control over the work, let’s say it’s not the show I deserved, but it’s what I needed because improvisation brings out something pure ».

“We had no idea what was going to happen and for a comedian it’s a nightmare – comments Edoardo Ferrario. We climbed on the mirrors and the audience enjoyed“. Improvisation “is the celebration of comedy: the big challenge is to get out of the comfort zone»Says Matano.

The importance of being comic in the most dramatic moments

Comedy is always valid, “there is always a desire to laugh – Ferraio is convinced – the comedian’s voice tells the reality in a different way and it is essential to listen to it ». During the pandemic, Maria Di Biase understood “the importance of comedians in the most dramatic moments of life, you have to make people laugh always and in any case, even if a bomb should explode because it brings a breath of lightness to the people who suffer ». Comedians must not self-censor: “We must follow what we like to do, not what is right or wrong,” concludes Aurora Leone.

