Try NS: check in with debit card | Inland

The intention is that in due course everyone will be able to check in with a debit card or credit card, but also with a digital debit card on a mobile phone or smartwatch.

In 2019, NS has already tested small-scale with OVpay, as the new system will be called, between Leiden and The Hague. Now the railway company is looking for a larger group of people who can travel throughout the country. From Friday, customers will be approached by e-mail to participate, but next week NS employees will also invite people for the trial at the stations of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Den Bosch and Delft. As a thank you for their participation, travelers can travel in first class for the price of second class.

Last week, the administrator of OVpay announced that the introduction of the system had been delayed for at least six months. Originally, everyone should be able to check in with a debit card this summer, but that has not been achieved. It is intended that the system will not only be used in trains, but in all public transport. At the stations, all check-in points are equipped with new card readers and images of public transport chip cards and the contactless payment logo.
