“Trusting”: More and more drivers are driving under the influence in the Polder zone, despite previous inspections

“Trusting”: More and more drivers are driving under the influence in the Polder zone, despite previous inspections

In the past two days, the police of the Polder zone again withdrew three driving licenses from drivers who were driving under the influence of narcotics. In Kortemark, a driver was found to be under the influence of THC, which is the active ingredient in cannabis, on Wednesday. He has lost his driver’s license for fifteen days.

Disturbing trend

Last night they also checked a man from Poperinge in Diksmuide: the man in his thirties was also under the influence of cannabis and a woman from Lo-Reninge gave a positive saliva test in Diksmuide for a whole range of narcotics.

“It is a striking and worrying trend that these drivers are not being checked for the first time while driving under the influence of narcotics.
