Truss promises swift action against the energy crisis

Act at 18:52


The new British Prime Minister, in her first speech as head of government, also reaffirms her commitment to lower taxes

The new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the Conservative Liz Trusspromised this Tuesday, in her first speech to the nation as head of government, quick actions to deal with the increase in energy prices and fulfill its commitment to reduce taxes.

“I am confident that together we can weather the storm, rebuild our economy and become the shiny modern UK that we know it can be,” he declared outside the door of 10 Downing Street, his office and official residence.

The Tory leader, who inherits the absolute majority that her predecessor, Boris Johnson, obtained at the polls three years ago, held an audience on Tuesday with Queen Elizabeth II, who officially commissioned her to form a government, and will begin appointing this afternoon to his cabinet of ministers.

Unpacking her most pressing priorities, Truss, who face a inflation shot above 10%highlighted his plans to “boost the economy through tax cuts and reforms.”

I will cut taxes to reward hard work and encourage companies to generate growth and investment”underlined the head of the Executive, who at the same time stressed her intention to ensure that “people do not receive unpayable electricity bills” and that they invest in “hospitals, schools, roads and broadband internet connections”.

Truss plans to present on Thursday a plan to freeze or reduce the electricity bill of British homes during the next two winters, valued at about 90,000 million pounds (104,000 million euros), and is working at the same time on measures for companies, according to British media have revealed.

The Tory leader is expected to finance this program with public debt, instead of increasing taxes, in line with the priorities that she has defended during the Conservative primary campaign.

In his speech in Downing Street, in front of dozens of journalists and conservative deputies who in the moments before the speech were wet from the rain, Truss also stressed that the British public health system (NHS) is also among his priorities.

“I will make sure that people can get the medical appointments and health services that they need. We are going to put a firm foundation under our health system,” he said.

The prime minister will face this Wednesday morning her first control session in the House of Commons, in which she will debate with the leader of the opposition, Labor Keir Starmer.

Biden asks to continue working together

For his part, the President of the United States, Joe Bidencongratulated this Tuesday the new prime minister from the UK, Conservative Liz Truss, after she took office, and expressed his hope that the two countries continue to work together to help Ukraine against Russia.

The two leaders will also talk this Tuesday by phone, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre announced in her daily press conference.

On twitter, Biden congratulated Truss and showed his desire to work “closely” to face “global challenges” and continue to support Ukraine as it copes with the Russian invasion, which began in February.

Biden also expressed his willingness to strengthen the “special relationship” between Washington and Londona term used to define the political, diplomatic, cultural, economic and military ties that unite the two countries, historically making them two especially close allies.

The president made those statements just a few minutes after Truss became the new prime minister of the United Kingdom on Tuesday, the third woman to hold that position, after receiving the formal commission from Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle. , in Scotland.
