Trump’s oud-adviseur Steve Bannon gedagvaard in onderzoek naar Capitoolbestorming | Buitenland

Het onderzoek richt zich op welke rol Trump Speelde bij de Beurtenissen rond de Bestorming van het Amerikaanse parliamentsgebouw en pogingen om de vreedzame power overdraft te verstoren. Sowel het kantoor van de openbaar aanklager than de advocaat van Bannon refuses to commentaar te geven.

Bannon was sentenced to death in October of the previous year for four people and was sentenced for the meeting of the Congress (parlement). If there are penalties imposed, this will not be done by a parliamentary committee that will rule over President Trump before the storming of the Capitool. Hij kreeg also a boat of 6,500 dollars.

Bannon was a major advisor to Trump during the marketing campaign in 2016 and served as the major advisor in the Witte House. In 2017 zijn stopped working as a strateeg na een ruzie, which later is bijgelegd. Bannon speelt as decennia a relevant role in the first right media.
