Trump warns DeSantis not to run for office in 2024 | Abroad

Former US President Donald Trump has threatened Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with unpleasant revelations about him if he runs for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. “I might say things that aren’t particularly flattering,” Trump told Fox News today. . “I know more about him than anyone else — except maybe his wife.”

Trump announced Monday that he will make a “big announcement” on Nov. 15, hinting at ambitions for a second term in the White House. By the way, Trump said he did cast his vote for the governor of Florida on Tuesday. The Republican appeared with his wife Melania at the Palm Beach polling station at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Trump, 76, remains popular among Republican voters. And the few Republican politicians who broke with him after his claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election, like Liz Cheney, were banned by the party. But in many parts of the country, Trump is so controversial that several Republicans would like to challenge him in 2024. DeSantis, 44, may have such aspirations, as does former Vice President Mike Pence.

DeSantis, who is known as very right-wing in particular, is credited with good opportunities if he challenges Trump. “If he starts it, it could be very painful for him,” Trump said of the Florida governor. “I think he would make a mistake. I don’t think it would be good for the party.”

DeSantis has also been re-elected as Florida governor. The big question now is whether he will stay in Florida, or use his re-election—despite Trump—as a springboard into national politics.

DeSantis and Trump on archival image from 2018. © REUTERS
