TRUMP TRIAL | Trump pleads “not guilty” to the 37 federal charges against him

donald trump has scored this tuesday another day for history, one that again capsizes the legal, political and social foundations of the United States. The former president of the United States, and currently the favorite to become the Republican Party’s nominee again to fight for the White House in 2024, has been arrested, prosecuted and charged in a Miami court with 37 federal charges stemming from the case of the classified documents he took after leaving the Oval Office. Through one of his lawyers, Trump He has pleaded “not guilty & rdquor ;, not guilty, to all charges.

As happened a little more than two months ago, when Trump wrote another dark first chapter for the United States by becoming the first occupant of the Oval Office with a state criminal indictment in the case of payments to silence stormy danielsthe imputation this Tuesday has been the epicenter of national attention.

The former president had arrived the day before from his golf club in Bedminster (New Jersey). Step night and morning at his club in Doral preparing the day with his lawyersa team that is having serious difficulties to reinforce following the resignation of two lawyers last week just after the indictment announcement and the refusal of several Florida prominent figures to join their defense. Trump was also urging GOP aides and figures to publicly come to his defense.

The process

Around 1:30 in the afternoon, local time, he left Doral and arrived at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Federal Courts Building in downtown from Miami shortly before 2. His entourage also traveled assistant, Waltine Nauta, charged with him in this case on several of the obstruction charges and one individual charge of perjury. Nauta, who needs a local attorney for his team, has not entered a plea on those charges and is scheduled to plead guilty or not guilty on June 27.

Once in Miami, Trump has entered the judicial facilities through a garage, without his image being able to be captured by the cameras and the hundreds of journalists who were approaching the protesters who had gathered in front of the court. These were dominated by trump Supporters, among them were Kari Lake, a journalist who failed in her bid to become governor of Arizona in November, and Vivek Ramaswmy, Trump’s rival in the primaries, who has given a press conference. There was also a rSmall number of counter-protesters.

in un very fast process, which ended at 2:05 a.m., Trump has been arrested and prosecuted, with his digitally scanned fingerprints and without taking pictures. Later, in a room floor 13 where special counsel Jack Smith was presentTrump has appeared accompanied by two lawyers, Todd Blanche and Chris Kise before Judge Jonathan Goodman. The magistrate has been assigned for this initial hearing, although the judicial process will be supervised by Aileen Cannon, a magistrate who was appointed by Trump himself after his electoral defeat in 2020 and who already had a questionable performance in this case, appointing to a supervisor for the handling of documents seized at Mar-a-Lago. Her decision was later overturned by a panel of judges, which also included two Trump appointees.

no cameras

As in all federal cases, the cameras have been banned inside the courtroom, and Judge Goodman on Monday rejected a request by several media outlets to allow them even briefly, something that was done in New York. In addition, the court had prohibited reporters (and the public) from bringing laptops or mobile phones, who could only enter with paper and pens.

Those reporters have recounted that Trump has been very serious during the hearing. It was Blanche who made the declaration of innocence with the words: “Without any doubt we plead not guilty.”

Judge Goodman has determined that neither the former president nor Nauta pose a flight risk and has left them released without any conditions nor bail. He has also urged Trump, according to CNN, to not contacting potential witnesses.

After the procedures, the former president was scheduled to travel to return to New Jersey this Tuesday, where in the afternoon he had organized a party at the Bedminster club. appearance before the press and a fundraising event with donors for his 2024 campaign.

But before, and after leaving the court, has stopped in on an unannounced visit to the Versailles restaurantone of the icons of the Cuban exile community, and of the Latino right, on 8th Street in Little Havana with which he clearly intended to send the message that his persecution is political and comparable to that of dictatorships.

Why and for what?

Only Trump knows why or what he stayed for once he left the White House thousands of classified documents, including the 31 that were found in Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, which have earned him as many charges for violating the Espionage Act. But even without knowing the reason, that decision, as well as the efforts he made to conceal possession of it, make it difficult to turn over to the National Archives and obstruct investigation, and his false statements, have been enough for a grand jury lend credibility to the evidence collected and presented by special counsel Smith and has made him the first president in the country’s history to face federal charges.

Before leaving for the court, Trump had launched several messages from his social network with the ideas that he regularly reiterates, such as talking about “witch hunt & rdquor; either “electoral interference & rdquor ;. In addition it has harshly criticized special counsel Smith, who has called “thug & rdquor ;, “radical right-wing lunatic and a Trump hater & rdquor ;.

Although the statement of objections demonstrates, with evidence that include photographs and transcripts of recordings, that the documentation located was in Mar-a-Lago before the FBI search occurred in August 2022, Trump has suggested that the “friends & rdquor; de Smith “probably “planted& rdquor; information in the “boxes & rdquor; that they were given & rdquor ;. “They dirty everything they touch, including our countrythat it’s going to hell fast& rdquor ;, he has written.

Also already on the way to court, from the entourage, he has written other messages assuring that this Tuesday was “one of the saddest days in history & rdquor; from USA. “Are a nation in decline& rdquor ;, he has assured.

Problems finding lawyers

The public criticism of Smith go against the recommendations that they have been doing to Trump their lawyers. And that disdain for his advice is just one of the factors that is making it difficult for the Republican to find more lawyers to join his defense.

It also weighs the lack of a defined strategy and the divided opinions in the team surrounding Trump. In this, some bet on maintaining the markedly partisan line of attack that accuses the Department of Justice of using the legal system as a political weapon. Others, on the other hand, believe that the president and his lawyers risk too much with that line of “scorched earth & rdquor; and they think they should focus on one traditional defenselooking for a jury where even one pro-Trump person included could prevent a conviction.

Related news

He unprecedented legal process it’s already running. is anticipated complex and longcausing one to be predicted turbulent primary and presidential campaign. And there is also two other potential charges that hang over Trump: for possible electoral interference in Georgia in the 2020 presidential elections and for his efforts not to certify the results of those elections that he lost to Joe Biden and his role in the assault on the Capitol
