Trump reports FBI search of his Florida home

The FBI searched the home of former President Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday. Sources with knowledge of the judicial investigation told several US media outlets that the federal police were looking for confidential state documents. Trump is said to have taken it to his own home, the Mar-a-Lago estate, after he left the White House on January 20, 2021, losing the election.

The search of a former president, who is unparalleled, was made public in a statement issued by Trump himself. He was in New York at the time. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a president of the United States,” Trump wrote. According to him, he has always cooperated with ‘the relevant government authorities’ in the various investigations that are pending against him. “This unannounced raid on my home was unnecessary and inappropriate.” He used the word in his statement raid (raid) for the search, and spoke of a “siege” by “a large group of FBI agents.” “They even looked in my safe.”

Criminal investigations into Trump are ongoing in several states and nationally. Including his involvement in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and his attempts to keep Joe Biden from his election victory by (unsuccessfully) intervening in the election results of crucial states. The National Archives has previously seized 15 boxes of documents from the White House at Trump’s home under threat of legal action. It also included confidential documents. Under the Presidential Records Act, an outgoing president must hand over documents from his term of office to the National Archives. Fox News reported Monday night that the FBI allegedly carried 15 more boxes from Trump’s home.

Also read: Court: Trump must not withhold Capitol storming documents

Evidence of criminal offenses

Even if the current search was again ordered by the archive, the seized material may also prove relevant in other investigations. For example, Trump tried with all his might to prevent the parliamentary committee investigating the events on and around January 6 from getting hold of documents from the White House during that period. The Supreme Court ruled against Trump.

There is no doubt that the FBI must have convinced a judge that the search must provide evidence of criminal offences

Neither the FBI nor the Justice Department has made official statements about the search. It is common ground that the FBI must have convinced a judge that the search must provide evidence of criminal offences. Otherwise, the judge would not have signed a search warrant.

A few days ago reported TV channel CNN Trump’s attorneys were in talks with the Justice Department. This would concern the investigation to January 6. American media also reported that former White House leaders have been summoned by Justice to testify.

‘Lock it up’

The irony of the situation did not escape the American media. During his 2016 election campaign, Trump made his rival Hillary Clinton suspicious because the FBI was investigating her use of a private server on which she had stored emails containing confidential state documents. During Trump’s election rallies, his supporters chanted “Lock her up” — and they continue to do so whenever Clinton’s name is mentioned. Although several investigations determined that the private server did indeed contain confidential state information, the Justice Department declined criminal charges because it could find compelling evidence that Clinton did so “systematically and willfully.”

Trump himself also referred to Clinton and her emails in his statement. “She was allowed to destroy and wash away 33,000 emails with acid AFTER Congress claimed them. Nothing has been done to hold her accountable. She also took antique furniture and other items from the White House.”

Also read: While democracy faltered, Trump beamed at TV

Election Campaign

Trump made another connection, and many American media went along with that. He has been toying with the suggestion for months that he will run for president in the 2024 presidential election. A criminal investigation, let alone a conviction, would hang like a dark cloud over the election campaign. “Because they see the candidates I support win big, because they see how much I dominate the polls, they try to stop me.”

Trump’s insinuation was immediately followed by Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy. “I have seen enough”, wrote he on Twitter Monday night. “The Justice Department has reached an intolerable degree of politicization.”
