Trump kicks off 2024 election campaign: “Angrier and more committed than ever” | Abroad

Former US President Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for the 2024 US presidential election on Saturday with performances in two US states. In New Hampshire and South Carolina, he introduced his campaign teams for those states.

The 76-year-old did this for a small audience: he spoke in front of about 200 people in the states of New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Trump said he was angrier and more committed than ever and also claimed to have won the 2020 presidential election again and stressed that there would never have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine under his leadership. He told his audience that the 2024 elections are “our only chance to save this country.”

New Hampshire and South Carolina are among the states that are starting the Republican primaries early. Trump announced his candidacy in November.

The former president can count on less support from his own Republican party this time. So far, no Republican contenders have emerged. Still, a number of Republicans would have ambitions to do so, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence and his former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

In one of his speeches, Trump slammed members of the Republican party who have not shown allegiance to him. According to him, they are “even more dangerous than Democrats”.

In his speech, Trump also spoke out against transgender rights and critical race theory: the study of the effects of institutional racism. “We are going to stop the left-wing radical racists and perverts who want to indoctrinate our youth and we are going to make sure that they keep their Marxist hands off our children,” the former president said.

LOOK. Trump announces presidential candidacy
