Trump defeats Haley in South Carolina primaries

Former American President Donald Trump won the Republican primaries in South Carolina on Saturday. He predictably defeated former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley in her home state, consolidating his path to the Republican nomination for November’s presidential election. AP reports this.

With his victory in South Carolina, Trump has won all Republican primaries to date, after victories in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and the US Virgin Islands. It has never happened before that a non-sitting president has succeeded in this.

A new election battle between Trump and President Joe Biden in November is becoming increasingly inevitable after Trump’s victory in the southern state, despite the fact that a majority of American voters say they do not want that election battle again.

Press Haley

Trump’s victory will likely increase pressure on Haley, his former representative to the UN and former governor of South Carolina, to drop out of the race. She proved unable to break Trump’s momentum in her home state, despite organizing many more campaign events and warning voters that the many legal charges against Trump will hinder his presidential election.

Haley previously pledged to stay in the race until at least March 5, known as Super Tuesday, when the string of states will hold primaries.

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