Trump claims onschendbaarheid om vervolging te voorkomen | Buitenland

The claim of immunity is Trump’s first defense against the special accusation against Jack Smith. The advocates of the previous president should be considered a representative of the Hoogrechteshof. Ze hebben gezegd dat ze waarschijnlijk de rest van de zaak zullen rehearsen te pauzeren, totdat dat is opgelost. We are testing the army again and again, we want Trump to lose the poging of the right-wing army and the positions are dead in the following years. Trump has now become president.

Trump wants to go to the 4th court for a different jury to accuse the jury of the 2020 election. He is one of the four aklachten against the former president of the Terwijl his campaign for the purpose of her verkiezing. Hij staat deze week terecht in New York in a fraudezaak waarbij zijn bedrijf betrokken is.

The zaak in Washington is directed at Trump’s latest maanden in functie in the aanloop naar de aanval op 6 januari 2021 op het Amerikaanse parliamentsgebouw Capitool for dozens of Trump supporters. The wild outcome of the overwinning of President Joe Biden in the district will be confirmed.
