Trump and Biden are almost there after Super Tuesday

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are on Super Tuesday As expected, their barely traceable lead in the primaries expanded. Biden was expected to win all the states that voted on Tuesday, although he lost the six (out of a total of almost four thousand Democratic) delegates in American Samoa. Trump, who is far behind rival candidate Nikki Haley, expanded his lead by almost certainly winning fourteen states. But Haley, after previously winning in Washington DC, took her first state: Vermont.


In his victory speech, Trump called his victory “great”, before launching an attack on Biden. Neither Haley nor Biden appeared intent on commenting on the outcome Tuesday night. That’s how anticlimactic the 2024 primaries are – the prelude to the repeat of the battle between Biden and Trump.

Prior to Super Tuesday the question was not whether Biden and Trump would win, but by what margins. While votes were still being counted, it appeared that Biden’s internal opponents, Congressman Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson, once again posed no threat. It was Jason Palmer, the completely unknown Democratic businessman who seemed to have focused his campaign exclusively on Samoa, who vbrought a little surprise. He received 51 votes there compared to 40 for Biden.

The president does have to deal with dissatisfied Democrats who, mainly because of American support for Israel in destroying Gaza, are making their voices heard. In Minnesota, about 20 percent voted uncommitted: those voters are not now supporting Biden. In North Carolina, more than 12 percent also do not support him for the time being. Previously, 13 percent in Michigan voted unaffiliated.

Haley continues

Trump won in the conservative states of Alambama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas with more than 75 percent of the vote. Even in the states where Haley did relatively well – in addition to Vermont – she received less than 35 percent of the votes. That in no way makes her likely to become the Republican candidate, but it does show that the former president is not popular everywhere and with everyone in his party. Trump’s loyal support base, which helped him win the primaries convincingly, is not enough for a victory in November.

Haley does not appear to have any intention of abandoning her campaign. “No matter how hard everyone wants to push me out, I’m not ready to get out of the race yet,” she told reporters on Tuesday. Fox News. But her campaign has no events planned for after Super Tuesday.

This message is being supplemented.

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Why Nikki Haley is still fighting against Trump

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