True Detective: Night Land | News


Better than seasons two and three, but without reaching the excellence of the first (and apparently unrepeatable) creation of Nic Pizzolatothis fourth series/miniseries/long-episode movie True Detective Its pillars are the perfect performances of Jodie Foster (it’s not new) and Kali Reiss (a surprise) in addition to each and every one of the secondary ones.

And it has another virtue: a solid and difficult mystery to solve that does not end in nonsense, a widespread evil of the genre today. There is something else: although at times it seems to go on the side of social denunciation or all-purpose goodness, it avoids pointing the finger with absolute elegance and shows that things are more complex. Also that there are forces, coincidences, elements that are outside of everything rational.

When the fantastic bursts in, it does so with the subtlety of doubt. A good way to start the year on the platforms, without the slightest doubt.

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