Trucker who stopped his car on the A28 accused of fatal accident

A 55-year-old truck driver from Mill is accused of causing a fatal traffic accident on the A28 highway in Beilen, Drenthe, last week.

According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), the man stopped his truck and a traffic jam formed behind him. There was a collision involving a van driver and a motorcyclist. The 56-year-old motorcyclist from Amersfoort was killed.

The driver of the van, a 55-year-old man without a permanent residence, is said to be co-cultivated. He rode on top of the motorcyclist.

Farmer’s Action
The truck driver from Mill may have stopped his car to respond to a call from Agractie. The farmers’ action group had asked to show solidarity. Traffic was also blocked on several highways at this time.

Both suspects were interrogated last weekend and released. Their driver’s licenses have been confiscated.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, it remains to be seen whether the truck driver also participated in that action. Stopping vehicles on through roads can lead to life-threatening situations. This is evident from this tragic accident,” said Chief Public Prosecutor Diederik Greive of the Northern Netherlands Public Prosecutor’s Office. He thinks it is premature to make a link with the appeal of Agractie. “You take everything into account. The driver of the truck may also have brought his vehicle to a standstill due to a technical cause.”

ALSO READ: ‘Put your work down for the farmers for fifteen minutes’, asks action group Agractie
