Tropical weather at Volksfeest in Heemskerk: free water and first aid arranged

It will be tropical in the coming days at the Volksfeest, with temperatures that can rise to 30 degrees. The catering entrepreneurs say they take the heat into account by stocking extra non-alcoholic beer and water for visitors.

Harness racing

The harness racing has extra showers for the horses that will be extra hot during the race. There was some talk that the event might be canceled due to the heat, but that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.

Gerard Post Uiterweer is the chairman of the Association Harddraverij Heemskerk and he suspects that the trotting race can continue as usual. “There are strict rules that if it gets to 35 degrees or higher, we have to cancel the trotting race, but I don’t see that happening. It will continue with the expected maximum of 28 degrees.”

The safety of the visitors and the horses is the most important thing, he says. “Fortunately, there is enough shade under the trees here on Marquettelaan. We also have the First Aid Association from Beverwijk walking around, they have a base and also two mobile teams that walk around all day.”

Free water

The municipality says to NH that it will also take into account the warm weather during the Volksfeest. “The most important measure is that we have agreed with the catering industry that they will provide free water. Free water is available at the various catering establishments, toilets and first aid posts.”
