Tropical storm Idalia hits Florida mogelijk as orkaan | Weernieuws

Op aantal islands in the Caribbean waters, an area with large tourist resorts, zorgde Idalia zondag al voor lots of rain and wind. Zondagavond before the storm is 135 kilometers east of the Mexicaanse island of Cozumel.

“It was said that there was a faster north-west movement that would cause a storm in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico,” said the American National Hurricane Center (NHC). Because of the storm, it was not the direction of a trek in Mexico, during the week-end on land in Florida, it was because of the weather when there was a hurricane.

Open week trof Hilary, een orkaan van category 4, nog de Mexicaanse staat Baja California, alvorens het Amerikaanse grondgebied te bereiken. Daarbij kwam a person om het leven and the infrastructure will be damaged.
