Trio threatens to hit man on legs with hammer if he doesn’t give expensive stuff

A 20-year-old Tilburg citizen was robbed by three men around midnight on Monday evening. This happened on the Ringbaan Noord, when he was walking to his car from a gym. He was threatened with a hammer and had to hand over his phone and watch.

When the victim came outside, he was suddenly approached by a man. He asked him if he wanted to come along. Suddenly a second man joined them and he was forced to go to an alley. A third man joined them. He had a hammer in his hands and waved it towards the victim’s legs. If the victim didn’t want to get hurt, he had to hand over his valuables to them. This he did. With a telephone and a watch as loot, the three ran across the Ringbaan-Noord. Then the three disappeared from view.

The perpetrators are all estimated to be about 20 years old. They are about 6 feet tall. They are tanned and wore black clothes and black shoes. Two of them wore black ski masks, the other had a hood pulled over his head.
