Tricile lowers the curtain at the Liceu between emotions and laughter

Bring down the curtain for good with a full Liceu and the public standing. That is the image that the people of Barcelona will take away Joan Gràcia (1957), Paco Mir (1957) and Carles Sans (1955) in its last performance as Tricicle this Sunday December 4th. It has been a night full of emotions and laughter. With her the trio has finished with that ‘Shimp boom!’ finale at the Grand Theater offering ‘HITS’ for the last time, a max mix of the best gags from all his shows that sold out in a few hours without even advertising.

The covid interrupted his goodbye in 2020 at the Coliseum and this was the last chance to say goodbye to the famous Catalan trio. After only five performances at the Liceu, this Sunday’s show with many friends in the seats has been a brilliant climax to his career together on stage.

song legends like Juan Manuel Serratwriters like edward mendoza and Boris Izaguirre, athletes like Alex Corretja Y Ona Carbonell, Joan Laportapresident of Barça, comedians like Andreu Buenafuente and Carlos Latre, and actors like Jose Corbacho, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo and Sílvia Abril they accompanied Tricicle at his farewell.

There are many laughs harvested from their beginnings in 1979. A lot of good vibrations and ideas worked on, polished and rehearsed down to the smallest detail to achieve the greatest connection with the public with the minimum gesture and expression. And despite how much they know each other after 43 years together, they can’t help but laugh at some numberalso infecting the spectators.

The applause in these last functions tasted differently, in gratitude for all the good moments generated in shows like ‘Manicòmic’, ‘Èxit’, ‘Slastic’, ‘Terrific’, ‘Entretres’, ‘Sit’, ‘Garrick’ and ‘Bits’. As soon as they saw them on stage, people turned around aware of witnessing the end of an unusual phenomenon born of ingenuity and the rapport between three ‘cracks’ of humor.

More than 450 theaters in 20 countries

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In data, Tricicle’s career is summarized in more than 4.2 million viewers, 6,200 performances, 450 theaters visited in 20 countries, 300 gags in each show. According to ‘Tricicle (Click). Gesture. Humor. Lenguaje’, edited as a result of a magnificent exhibition at the Palau Robert, the average number of laughs in their shows is 675 laughs, one every eight seconds. Like Comediants, Joglars or Dagoll Dagom -which has announced its retirement in 2024- and La Fura dels Baus, Tricicle has marked a before and after.

At the Liceu they made the audience laugh from start to finishrenewing some numbers in which included music by Rosalíaand inviting people to join one of the numbers that catapulted them to fame: their gestural and clown version of the Julio Iglesias song ‘I am a scoundrel, I am a lord’. A ‘must’. Tricicle leaves in top form, leaving the pavilion high and preparing a documentary.
