Tributes to victims, those of Hipercor forgotten Description

Two terrible anniversaries have been celebrated this August that television has recalled with affection, a sense of justice, and intensity. On the 31st all the channels included in their news programs a memory of Lady Di. It has been 25 years since his death. They have been reminders made with sensitivity.

The one on ‘Telenotícies’ on TV-3 was particularly emotional. On Movistar+ (channel #0) they offered the documentary ‘Diana The Ultimate Truth’, from this same 2022. signed by the investigative journalist –and former police detective– Mark Williams-Thomas, where the suspicion that it was not an accident, but an attack, a criminal conspiracy, was embodied and strongly outlined; a force that has never run out of steam in these 25 years despite ‘official’ efforts to cover it up or discredit it.

Another tragic anniversary of August was that of the 17th, the date that marked the fifth anniversary of the massacre on La Rambla in Barcelona. On TV-3 they did an intense job. Particularly the documentary ‘Tres dies d’agost’, in three 25-minute episodes, directed by Montse Tio. I am not going to go into insinuations about whether the ‘perfidious Spain’ had any co-responsibility for investigative omission. Three days before the broadcast, the largest Ragpicker He has already clearly warned that he has no indication of these theories, and added that the response and action of the CNI was absolutely loyal. Seventeen dead caused that attack. I remain with the good work of the tribute on TV-3, remembering them with delicacy and emotion.

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These two dates in August, the 31st and the 17th, that is, 25 years of Diana and five years of La Rambla, television has evoked them with respect and sensitivity. They are deserved tributes. Two months earlier, on June 19 of this year, another anniversary was also celebrated: 35 years since the Hipercor attack. The terrorist group ETA exploded a criminal cocktail there with effects similar to those of a napalm bomb: a fireball at 3,000 degrees Celsius burned 21 people, five men, 12 women and 4 children between 9 and 15 years of age. That day 19 citizen tributes were made. However, I did not see on TV-3 that the 35th anniversary of such a horrifying attack was evoked. No documentary. No reminder. Any.

Are there victims who are not interested in remembering? Let’s think.
