Tribute to AZ Youth Under 19 at the Waagplein in Alkmaar

After winning the UEFA Youth League, the U19 football players of AZ will be honored this Saturday at the Waagplein in Alkmaar. “I’ve been following this team for a while and saw how much talent these guys have in Barcelona. I’m very proud of them,” says mayor Anja Schouten in a press release.

The team will board the boat this weekend at 6.45 pm and sail into the city center via the Stadsstrand, Bierkade and Zijdam. At 7.30 pm they arrive at the Waagplein, where they are festively welcomed on stage. “We are going to make it a great and well-deserved party on Saturday for the players, staff and of course all fans, young and old,” said Schouten.

The celebration of the team is aimed at young people, so the municipalities of Alkmaar, Zaanstad and Wormerland especially invite families and children to make a party of it. The party lasts until 8:30 PM and can also be followed on screens around the stage.
