Trias rules out that Puigdemont and Sánchez agree to a PSC-Junts government for Barcelona

Xavier Trias makes it clear that Junts must be in the opposition in the City Council of Barcelona And it should continue like this for now, while the contacts are addressed so that the independence movement contributes to keeping Pedro Sánchez in La Moncloa. The former mayor and president of the municipal group of Trias for Barcelona has stressed that “there is no negotiation in which the seats are discussed in the City Hall” in exchange for facilitating the investiture of the president of the Government. He also does not see it feasible for his formation to enter the mayor’s executive Jaume Collbonialthough it does not close any door, it has qualified.

Trias has appeared this Thursday at the City Hall claiming himself as head of the opposition. “I see Collboni as very interested in reaching agreements with Ada Colau. That puts us in opposition,” said the leader, who denied that the mayor has contacted you to collaborate with your executive, not even externally. In any case, Trias has argued that “the doors should never be closed to anything.” “I am open to all approaches, but we are the opposition, and not just any. We are the game more voted and with more councillors. We are not in shameful agreements, like the one that made Collboni mayor,” he attacked.

Trias has summoned Collboni to clarify how he intends to govern Barcelona, ​​in a minority or with partners. “The city continues in a non-functioning situation, which is not surprising because we are facing a government weak“, he has opined. In turn, he has added that he considers the agreement he signed with ERC valid. It was not enough for him to retake the Mayor’s Office, but he defends that it continues to be valid to ally with the republicans in opposition.

Likewise, Trias has remarked that there is no going back on his decision to leave the City Council, whatever the result of the conversations for the inauguration of Sánchez. “I will go. I wanted to go in October. Puigdemont, turull and many other people ask me, because we are at a very important moment. I agree and I’m not leaving, but it has an expiration date. I do not intend to stay to do opposition in Barcelona. Nor am I waiting for us to do something that generates a chair to stay, “he has stressed.

Until 2024

Trias has appeared this Thursday at a press conference, the formula by which he has chosen to start the political course in the City Council. However, the former mayor already spoke on Wednesday in a interview granted to Ràdio 4, in which he revealed that he is postponing his announced departure from the consistory.

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Trias had said he would leave around September or October. However, the post-convergent now maintains that he will extend his new stay in the City Council until the end of the year, to which he returned after winning the elections last May, although without a most enough to allow him to revalidate the charge.

The political leader, in charge of the local government between 2011 and 2015, assures that “many people& rdquor; He has asked her to stay a while longer. He maintains that he wants to take advantage of it to “consolidate & rdquor; the structure of the municipal group of Junts, waiting for “the policy calm down & rdquor ;. The Trias party and its greatest exponent, Carles Puigdemont, has become the partner that PSOE and Add they covet for Pedro Sánchez to retain the presidency of the Government. in exchange for starting talksthe independence formation demands that the socialists and their partners agree to process an amnesty law for those accused of the ‘procés’.
