Trial of alleged Holocaust denier postponed

The Holocaust memorial in Berlin-Mitte

Reza B. is said to have stood in front of the memorial to the murdered Jews in Europe with a loudspeaker and denied the Holocaust over a loudspeaker Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From the BZ editorial team

A trial against a suspected Holocaust denier was suspended on Tuesday at the Berlin-Tiergarten District Court because the accused failed to appear.

It is possible that Reza B. (51) did not receive the summons to the hearing, it was said in passing. The trial is now scheduled to start on November 8th, the court said.

► Already three months before the attempted storming of the Reichstag stairs by an unleashed mob in August 2020, Reza B. (51) is one of the people who keep calling on people to do so on the sidelines of a Corona demo on May 23rd.

To motivate them, he even jumps over a police line. But it doesn’t work. At another demo in the same month, he tried to snatch two corona deniers from police access.

Then he stands in front of the memorial to the murdered Jews in Europe with a loudspeaker and denies the Holocaust over a loudspeaker.

Charges of incitement to commit crimes, incitement to hatred, breach of the peace, attempted release of prisoners, resistance, insult

with dpa


Coronavirus Holocaust Holocaust Memorial Process
