Trial: bonus for teachers who extend contract | News item

News item | 07-11-2022 | 07:00

Students, parents, teachers and school leaders, everyone notices. The shortage of teachers and school leaders is urgent, which is why we are pulling out all the stops. New, unorthodox measures are also needed. Minister Dennis Wiersma calls on schools to participate in a trial to give a bonus to teachers who want to extend their contract.

Dennis Wiersma (Primary and Secondary Education): ,,As a teacher, you work around the clock to teach students well. That is tough, now that it is increasingly difficult to find enough colleagues. That means that we have to pull out all the stops. And also call on teachers to extend their contracts where possible. The House of Representatives recently called for a full-time bonus, which we are going to work on by starting a trial right now. School boards can register for this now. Which, by the way, is separate from the fact that where teachers already work more hours, extra hours of course also have to be paid now.”

leading group

A leading group of schools will soon start with the bonus for teachers who want to work more. The House of Representatives has requested this by motion, as one of the ways to tackle the staff shortage. Minister Wiersma now wants to start a trial as soon as possible to learn in practice what works for teachers. The form and amount of the bonus have not yet been determined, several variants will be part of the trial. Examples include a bonus for people who receive a full-time contract or more money for people who, for example, extend their contract from two to three or four working days.


School boards that cooperate receive practical support and guidance in choosing and developing a bonus variant. Schools finance the bonus themselves, but guidance is provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The first insights are expected in the spring, which can then be used by schools in the 2023-2024 school year.

Sign Up

School boards can register up to and including 30 November via [email protected]. There is room in the leading group for a limited number of school boards. The selection is based on the extent of the teacher shortage and whether many employees have a small part-time job.
