Treasurer Stoffer Jonkman of Westersluis neighborhood association likes to organize: ‘I am a people person’

In the photo: Stoffer Jonkman has been treasurer of the Westersluis neighborhood association for fifteen years and is proud of the community center Het Oor. Photo Andre Weima

Stoffer was born as a farmer’s son in Kerkenveld and regularly helped his parents on the farm. Still, he did not want to become a farmer later on. “No, that didn’t suit me, I couldn’t even hear a cow defecate,” he laughs. “The farm was actually too big for one person and too small for two people.” Stoffer attended the Christian primary school in Alteveer, where he excelled in arithmetic. “Yes, I was allowed to help children from lower classes with math. I liked to go to school. Twenty years ago I organized a reunion of the school. I think that’s great work.”

“Treasurer Stoffer Jonkman of Westersluis neighborhood association likes to organize: ‘I am a people person'”

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