Tre Kronor’s social media posted a malicious message to Finns

In Sweden, the disc was left on.

In Sweden, a knife is twisted in the Finns’ wound.

A message appeared on Tre Kronor’s Twitter account after Monday night’s puck match, which could very well be a thorn in Finland’s direction.

And all I care about is you, You’re stuck on me like a tattoothe account was written according to Loreen’s Eurovision song.

The last few days were successful for Sweden, when the western neighbor beat Finland in both music and hockey.

– Double win for Sweden, one fan commented on Tre Kronor’s tweet. Many others also stumbled.

The Swedish team had also performed Loreen’s five song as their wish song at the Nokia Arena Tattooand the DJ in the hall made the wish come true.

During the evening, Käärijä was also heard in the hall a couple of times. When the audience was encouraged to a shouting match while playing Finnish and Russian songs, Käärijä clearly won in decibels.
