Tre Cime di Lavaredo: between moon festival, snowshoeing, skiing and sledging

Swe are in Veneto and winter in these parts is a promise that has to do with the evening light. We have the Belluno Dolomites in the background, the Three peaks of Lavaredo tall and sly, and the Misurina lake placid: it is here in the midst that the moonlight blesses everything and everyone.

The sky of the Dolomites turns red: the rare spectacle of the Northern Lights in Italy

You just need to choose what to do to enjoy it Full Moon Festivalan unforgettable two days for couples and families organized by the Tre Cime Dolomiti Tourist Consortium.

The festival is held on two Saturdays: the evening of January 27th and the evening of February 24th. And the appointment is always at sunset for a aperitif by the fire with mulled wine and typical sweets of the cuisine of the Belluno Dolomites.

The Tre Cime di Lavaredo (photo by Nicola Bombassei).

We continue with the “full moon dish” for dinner followed by other special events all organized in the municipalities of Auronzo and Misurina. However, it is after dinner that we go wild in the snow illuminated only by the full moon.

From the snowshoe climb accompanied by a mountain guide, to the descent with sleds from the Auronzo refuge of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo. From cross-country skiing on the Loita track to ski mountaineering on the Col De Varda slope. Impossible to give up.


And with the sun?

When the moon goes to sleep – and the sun returns – everything around here is even more enjoyable.
That is: is getting on a snowmobile and going down a sled a children’s winter dream? Certain. But raise your hand if you – among adults – have never wanted it.

Auronzo di Cadore in the province of Belluno (photo by Nicola Bombassei).

You quickly go up the slope towards Tre Cime – between one hairpin bend and another – and enjoy the view of the snow-capped valley in the company of your other eight traveling companions (this is the maximum number, in addition to the driver, allowed): from Lake Antorno you can reach Rifugio Auronzo in about twenty minutes and here begins a new adventure.

That is to say: Once you get off the snowmobile, you take the sled for the descent and you launch yourself onto the five kilometer long snow-covered slope. Alternatively you can also choose to return by snowmobile or on foot (

Those who prefer the Snowmobile Safari – that is, a personalized tour with an expert guide – starts from Lake Antorno and crosses a route of about twenty km through woods of whitened fir trees, up to the foot of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo. The experience – which lasts about an hour – can even be enjoyed by two people on the same snowmobile.

For the Snowmobile Circuitfinally there will be two laps on a 3 km route along the path that crosses the forest and surrounds Lake Antorno.

Silence option

Anyone wishing to opt for a walk – immersed in the silence of the snow – the area offers numerous well-marked paths to follow with boots on your feet or snowshoes in case of fresh snow.

Misurina, the highest hamlet in the municipality of Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno (photo by Nicola Bombassei).

The most inviting routes are those that allow you to reach a refuge to refresh yourself in the heat before tackling the return. This is why it is always advisable make sure the shelter is open and the path accessible.

One of the walks that can be followed is the one that leads to Col De Varda refuge. Who would like to do a cultural pit stop can take a look at the trenches, finds and walkways which are still visible in these parts as evidence of the First World War (the Austro-Italian front line passed right on the crests of the mountains surrounding the valley).

In particular a Monte Piana with its open-air museum of the First World War and the historical one of Bosi refuge. But also to Lozzo and Vigo there is no shortage of military works such as tunnels, posts and forts dating back to the First World War and never used.


Slow tourism

What matters in any case is the philosophy of slow tourism that can be felt around: this is not the mountain of hotel chains, of crowded slopesbig numbers.

Cross-country skiing in Misurina, Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno (photo by Nicola Bombassei).

It is the land of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo (symbol of the Dolomites in the world) but also of Auronzo (the only urban center from which the three peaks are visible) and of Misurina (the “pearl of the Dolomites” which is reflected in the lake of the same name ).

A natural paradise where you can find your own dimension, the right rhythm, that mix of hospitality and authenticity that only has one effect. Regenerating.

The full moon illuminates the snow

Where to eat

Malga Maraiasurrounded by pastures, offers a wonderful view of the Marmarole, for a delicious stop based on platters of cheeses and cured meats and typical dishes (

Where to sleep

Central Hotel in the locality of Auronzo di Cadore (

What to do

  • Visit the church of San Giustinathe main one in Auronzo di Cadore.
  • Do Alpine skiing in the Monte Agudo area: 13 km of slopes including one black with a 42% gradient, five reds and a training camp with baby ski lift and carpet.
  • take a trip to Somadida oriented nature reserve: 1600 hectares of uncontaminated forest which houses a small naturalistic museum, a Forest Library, a life-sized example of “raso”, or a Venetian raft composed only of trunks used for the warships of the Serenissima, and the possibility of sighting some wolf.
  • enjoy them itineraries of “Cadore. Kingdom of snowshoes”an area of ​​itineraries suitable for snowshoeing and ski mountaineering.
  • learn to ski in the Ansiei school camp, in the Loita school camp or in the Auronzo Misurina Ski School.


Tre Cime Dolomiti Tourist Consortium
tel. +39 0435 99603

