traveling with Massimiliano Ossini | iO Donna

Qhe in 2022 is the summer of Massimiliano Ossini. The Neapolitan conductor, already at the helm with the journalist Maria Soave di One morning Summer, also arrives in the prime time of Rai 2. He will, in fact, be the host of two special episodes of Kalipè, baptized Summer Edition. The program that kept us company in the winter evenings of January will continue to make her company also in June. The first of the two specials will go broadcast tonight starting at 9.20pm and the second next Wednesday, June 29, at the same time.

Kalipéa program with a green soul

The summer airing of the two specials it does not correspond to a change of format. Ossini continues to travel at a slow and short paceputting the meaning into practice of the Himalayan wish from which the title of the program is inspired. Kalipè, in fact, it is what some populations living at the foot of the mountain range wish to those who set out for the peaks. Keep the pace slow and short it is the right way to proceed to observe with an attentive eye everything that surrounds us and imprint it in the soul.

Massimiliano Ossini. (Rai)

The beauty that saves the world

«A program that goes beyond the classic documentary schemes. His first intent is the search for the beauty of nature who is capable of saving the world. We should all learn from nature “, explains Ossini, one of the greenest hosts of Italian television. That in addition to being a mountain enthusiast, it is also a farmer and produces extra virgin olive oil, pasta and beer from organic farming.

Kalipé back on the Skyway Monte Bianco

Even the two specials Summer edition from Kalipè are conducted from the 3,462 meters of altitude of the SkyWay Mont Blancwhere the tallest television studio in the world has been set up, right in the middle of the whiteness of the Aosta Valley peaks.

Massimiliano Ossini in the SkyWay study

Massimiliano Ossini in the SkyWay study. (Rai)

It starts between Maldives and Iceland

In the episode of stasera focuses on blue, between images, symbology and music. It will be the main theme of the episode Light blue, the famous piece signed by Paolo Conte and brought to success in 1968 by Adriano Celentano. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea and that too which symbolizes the clean energy of our planet to be preserved.

The first destination is the Maldives, especially the island of the state made up of 26 atolls and over a thousand coral islands that has decided to focus on sustainability. The next stop is at the Icelandic spas Blue Lagoonoverlooking the ocean and powered by the geothermal system that heats the capital Reykjavik. Always in the company of Ossini he goes to Hawaii, where the conductor tells what they are the endangered marine species of the US archipelago. Who will continue the journey to Las Vegas, a city that has decided to focus on sustainability, and finally in Spain and Italy: first in one of the natural parks with exceptional biodiversity and then in the coastal dunes of Piscinas, in Sardinia.

Alessandro Borghese chef in the Maldives, cooks live at sunset in the luxury resort

Alessandro Borghese chef in the Maldives, cooks live at sunset in the luxury resort

Guests Giovanni Allevi and Donatella Bianchi

The interview was recorded a few months ago. Allevi, who announced via Twitter a few days ago that he is battling multiple myeloma, will talk about his relationship with nature. Also expected a performance by Our Future among the snows of the Alps.

Donatella Bianchi, former president of the WWF and presenter of Blue Linewill explain instead because today it is even more important to protect the sea. Space also for Annalisa Corrado, engineer and author of Girls will save the worldwith an important emphasis on renewable sources and the need not to waste the Earth’s resources.

Alessandro Gassman guest of the second special

In the second special of Kalipè Summer Edition Ossini will climb the Matterhorn. Reached the summit, will return to deal with climate change and new environmental emergencies which require universal effort. The idea pursued is that building a better world is still possible with the adoption by all of green behaviors.

There will be a discussion with him Alessandro Gassmann, another champion of the environment and green battles. Gassmann is also the author of Me and the Green Heroes: why I decided to think greenthe proceeds of which are entirely devolved the planting of fruit trees on land managed by associations dealing with people in need. The musical guest, on the other hand, will be the singer-songwriter Erica Mou with his latest album Nature.

